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  • Christine’s Planetary Currents


    Aries and Taurus Time

    March 20 to May 20, 2008

    Planetary highlights include a potent Full Moon in Libra falling March 22, just after Equinox on March 20 and just before Easter Sunday on March 23. This interesting timing means that this is the earliest Easter you will experience for the rest of your life because we won’t have that proximity of Equinox and Full Moon again until 2160.
    Things change in May when both Jupiter and Saturn shift direction – Saturn goes into direct motion on May 3 and Jupiter shifts into ‘retro’ motion, May 9. Thus Jupiter will appear to go backwards for a few months and our expansive “get the goodies” urge will be internalised. On the other hand, Saturn takes off and takes over, bringing an emphasis on hard work, being cautious and solving all those vexing problems that have been shuffled behind ‘closed doors’ since December

    The Taurus sunsign period begins and ends with a Full Moon on April 20 and May 20. Two Scorpio Full Moons promise to intensify the year.


    Great news – Mars has finished opposing Pluto for now and those annoying physical traumas or accidents lurking around you since last September, will finally stop dominating your life. Family and security concerns continue to be Big since Mars will remain in your Home Zone until May 10. Your true colours show when March 20’s Equinox kick-starts the Aries time in the sun - those colours are vibrant and clear if you follow your heart and really listen to the people you love. This is particularly sweet around March 22’s Full Moon and dreams can come true between now and March 29. Then Aries New Moon on April 6 has the Venus touch, delivering success April 13 to 30. Days to be quiet and tactful are April 7, 11, 14 and 24. May has serious pleasures and something special in store. Though ultra busy, it is a month when a hope might manifest into a demanding commitment - that you love to do. Your money supply might be lagging behind. Be patient there, it will get better. Meanwhile enjoy two months of Mars in Leo from May 10. This will add pleasure and dynamic energy to everything you do and attract loving creative times.

    With both Biz planets in earthy signs, 2008 is big for you. Creative and love instincts are more seriously driven, while exploration and learning are expansive – in March this becomes most obvious. A financial challenge that started in late September reached its final stage around March 7 and now has freed you up for the exciting things to come. Travelling and earning may interconnect; study will yield rewards. Aim to finish an important project by May, when things get bigger. March 29 is magical for promoting your ideas when Venus joins Uranus to push you into action and make you truly inspired. This is also the beginning of a happy link between Jupiter and Uranus, which will last until mid November 2008. It is an excellent time to develop your creative, practical ideas. You will find an unusually receptive attitude to your plans from your larger work group or friendship circles. Taurus time in the Sun starts on April 20 with a Full Moon. This is followed by a series of harmonious planetary link ups that make April 20 to 23 a productive fruitful time. Even though April 24 is time to duck for cover great opportunities continue through to April 30. Taurus New Moon on May 5 continues this trend, with special opportunities May 12-13 and May 18-19. Avoid rash promises on May 15, so regrets don’t follow at May 20’s Full Moon..

    Speed and logic are your strengths but in March you will be rewarded for your staying power and your intuition. An unusual success can be achieved at work and March 22’s Full Moon is for love. You may be inspired to make a significant change around March 24 to 29 but a sudden decision could be regretted in early April. Breathe deeply and think carefully. April is mixed – beware errors of judgement or signing documents April 3,11,14 and 24. Try to maximise the exciting developments of April 15 to 23, when earthy harmonies help you build substance, reduce debt and develop a good idea. If you have been renovating a home, or working towards one, prepare now for the boost coming from April 30 to May 3. It would be helpful to use the gentle energies of May 12-13 to make peace with someone important to you. Unconscious desires could be running your spending right now so try to keep that in check since both the April 20 and the May 20 Full Moons could make you overdo it. On the positive side hard working Saturn moves into direct motion in your home sector on May 3 and working from home can be very effective indeed, most particularly after May 22.

    Energiser Mars returns to Cancer for two months and nothing can stop you achieving the goals that have been taking shape since last October. Just stay clear of a conflict of ideas or a pushy person on March 21 when Sun squares off to Pluto. Partnership is fortunate for you in 2008 as Jupiter transits your marriage sign and a rush of energy from March 22 to 29 makes this clear. Constructive changes can be achieved and travel could be part of the plan.
    An enterprising idea takes form, April 6 to 20, which culminates in a powerful Full Moon, designed for good connections. Mars is giving you plenty of courage to stand up for your needs but Full Moon has a Venus ‘T Square’ which will exhaust you if you take on too much. Keep it sweet. A big decision may reach crunch point on April 24 but April 26 to 29 is a far better time for discussion and negotiation. May 1 to 3 is even better and May 5’s New Moon is a good day of rest. As a Moon type you always gain energy between the first slim crescent moon and Full Moon. This makes the period from May 7 to 19 super effective for any projects you care to start and the Taurus energy is sure to bring likeminded people to the party. May 20’s Full Moon is best for low key pleasures.

    As the shining one, you are often centre stage but the most important things occur behind the scenes in March/April. Full Moon on March 22 is perfect for a party and good contacts made around March 28-29 are likely to have fortunate flow-on in April. New Moon illuminates your adventure sign on April 6 and waxing lunar energy creates a most dynamic phase from April 15 to 20’s Full Moon. Beware taking sides around April 24 and 30 - you could be misinformed and later regret it. The sun sign period from April 20 to May 20 focuses energy on your career objectives and things you put in place late April could take a promising shape by late May. This period could begin and end with surprises, but ones that work out well for you. If you have been neglecting home in favour of work, pay heed to this and try to remedy the imbalance before it bites you. Where Venus stirs up your travel lust in April, Mars injects more fire into everything in May. With Mars in Leo from May 10 to July 2, you are ready to tackle anything but beware tackling the wrong thing on May 15 or 20! Keep your goals modest now and Mars will deliver the best results in early June.

    Always perceptive and frequently engaged with serious matters, the transit of Saturn through Virgo adds weight to your concerns. It is a time to maximise a good idea or develop a plan that has been playing on the fringes of your mind. Projects unfold with surprising speed March 24-29. Any financial tensions in early April should gradually ease by April 18. From April 20’s fab Full Moon, to an unexpected turn-around April 23-29, it’s your determination and support base that create success. Your ruler is planet Mercury and it prompts you to take the initiative from April 3 to 14. Yet you could regret this and encounter unexpected hostility if you push too hard. It becomes easier after April 15 and when Mercury enters an earthy sign on April 18, an excellent negotiation and action cycle begins. With Saturn in your sign it is important to conserve your energy and pay attention to healthy and strengthening lifestyle habits. More sleep and more greens is a good start. Once Venus enters earthy Taurus on April 30 it opens the way to a May in which your standing and credibility grow rapidly. Don’t spoil this with insensitive criticism on May 4-5, rather, let the New Moon carry you towards your goals and ambitions as it surely can. May 18-19 brings fruition.

    A potent Full Moon in Libra approaches on March 22 and the two weeks leading up to it were intense. Your guru planet, Venus, has you looking for love, yet you could be argumentative March 21 and 30 but really you are searching for understanding. Full Moon in Libra on March 22 reveals the real issues. Then March 29 to April 11 offers a series of challenges. These can become the framework for better communication in an important relationship. Sudden changes in your routines or work place could put additional pressure on a personal relationship issue, particularly on March 30, April 3, 7, 11 or 14. Be patient if your loved ones seem particularly demanding. Since career fast tracks from April 6 to 30, combining your natural tact with honest answers will get the best results on all fronts. Better to say nothing on April 24! April 30 brings your ruling light into happier times. Promises are made, sensual pleasures feature and home matters get sorted to your liking. After New Moon on May 5 you will give more thought to your future and perhaps to investments. The best moves are made May 12-13 and 18-19 but don’t let anyone push you into a decision on May 15 or 20.

    March is your kind of month with water sign harmonies promoting your peace of mind, while creative goals move ahead. This is a good travelling month if the opportunity arises. March 24-29 can fulfil a fond wish, in an unusual way. Use this period to work towards a long held dream. Your Scorpio Full Moon on April 20 is a natural climax, which will keep unfolding to your second Full Moon in Scorpio May 20. Your best action period is April 13-23, with unexpected offers coming that could bring a big smile to your face. With your ruling planet Mars in a Water sign this is fruitful for you but also makes you more emotionally vulnerable, so be aware of this on March 30, April 11-14 and April 24. Look into your heart for the answers. April ends with soothing pleasant times that flow into early May. Enjoy this because after May 5’s New Moon your groups and networks demand even more of you and your chance for success and recognition is high. Just remember that the message coming from this rare second Full Moon is to work for long term goals and support yourself with occasional retreats. Stay out of the madding throng on May 15, 20 and 23, for greater peace of mind.

    A new solar cycle in your Love Zone keeps the heart fires burning and makes home and friends and partners feel special. If old power struggles emerge, laugh it off. Playful progress after March 22’s Full Moon, is all about a party of planets in your Adventure Zone – enjoy. Through March and April, Mars and Jupiter energise money concerns and push spending. Be careful - good timing is essential and March 30 to April 11 could bring unexpected expenses. The second half of April is your best time to move ahead with your plans. Handle lovers and friends with kid gloves April 20 to 24 when a Full Moon in Scorpio can make people pretty unforgiving. You may have to revise your assessment of someone, but forgiveness is a good idea. Avoid meetings on April 24 and give serious thought to an enterprising plan. Late April will really help you move ahead with this. Good practical help will be available then and into early May. May 3-5 brings a Saturn action cycle followed by an earthy New Moon, which will reward you nicely for modesty and hard work. A chatty Mercury is in your partner sign from May 3 to July 10. Make sure the secrets you learn are discreetly handled because May 20’s Full Moon could be explosive.

    March is can-do month for Capricorn. A series of earth and water harmonies really make your garden grow and anything you put your heart into should work for you. Warning – Mars is back in your partner sign until May 10 and could stir confronting issues. Don’t take things personally, particularly on March 21, 30, and April 3, 7 and 11. Even if something is hard to hear, try to consider it impartially. This is particularly so if it is an issue dating back to last September/October. Your own emotional sensitivity is your only barrier to success right now! It’s easy progress and achievement March 24-29, April 18-23 and 28-30. Enjoyment is the key, because when you relax, stop striving and enjoy the abundance, Saturn in Virgo really starts to support your efforts. Despite a few tensions in early April your home front starts to hop after April 6’s New Moon and the things you have been aiming for fall into place after April 18. May is a miracle of earthy effectiveness and you are supported by Venus in your Love Zone. Not only will you achieve a lot, but sweet times and hanging out in beautiful places is bound to figure.

    A sudden enthusiasm erupts as March 22’s Full Moon illuminates your adventure sign. Ideas flow and you see what obstacles lie ahead and how to deal with these. Be patient April 3 to 10 and you will be rewarded with the support of others. Don’t engage in a struggle of will - be tolerant on April 3 and 7. Good results flow for you April 13-15 when Venus, Mercury and Neptune form an alliance. April 20’s Full Moon illuminates your career and offers you a special opportunity to pursue a practical desire you have long considered. This is because there will be a rare second Full Moon in your Career Zone on May 20 and the period in between these Moons is full of potential. April 20 clarifies your steps, so concentrate on reaching your goal by gathering support where you can April 21-23. Avoid meetings April 24 and be prepared for those visions you had back in mid April to start taking shape from April 26 to May 2. April 30 and May 4-5 are times to curb your criticisms and witty remarks then May 12 gives you more go ahead energy. Someone may try to dampen your enthusiasm on May 15 or 20 but really you are on a roll now. You will start to see how 2008 can serve your future security.

    Now Mars is back in your house of love for two months and it feels good. Creativity peaks and children of your mind or body play a more telling role in your life. Desires simmering since October 2007 are on the move now, ideas bubbling beneath the surface, spring forth and things that have lagged behind rapidly join the foreground. This emphasis on manifestation means it will be clear that certain goals must be dropped to make space for the ones that are now dominating your time. Clarity comes at a price. With Venus in Pisces until April 5, it is your open heart time, so enjoy it. Trust and affection are the keys and you are ready to be unlocked. Late March brings unexpected opportunities for many of the fishy clan; when Venus and Uranus meet key meetings can occur for you. New roles beckon with responsibilities you are happy to assume and April 6 New Moon starts a new money cycle. Negotiations and communication in general could be difficult April 3 to 14 but easy returns and easy agreements, flow from April 18 to 30. But do avoid meetings on April 24. Once Venus enters your communication zone on May 1, followed up by a New Moon there on May 5, your confidence and your busy-ness spontaneously accelerate. May 4,15 and 20 require caution, yet this is a month to celebrate.

    Christine Broadbent loves her work and offers astrology readings for life direction, relationships and business timing. See her mail order offerings on main menu. Christine is based in Sydney but is currently in Auckland and taking bookings for June, July in Sydney and for Melbourne from June 20 to 26.

    Email reports: Your natal chart and personality patterns for $20
    The next year’s transits for $35
    Special offer for April: Both email reports for $50

    To contact Christine:


    Ph: Sydney - +61 402 664 101 Auckland +649 443 2116