Astrological healing alternatives

Find out more about your sign and current influences in your life by checking your current planetary transits with interpretations for each sign.

***Venus and More in March

February 28 to March 1…Venus and Moon embrace, a door opens

The mysteries of the elegant Venus cycle are many, not least of which is the pentagram Venus traces in the heavens every eight years as her retrograde cycle unfolds. Now on February 28 and March 1 we may be blessed by the sight of her last alignment with the crescent Moon, as her nine months as the Evening Star draw to a close. They are the Feminine Lights, and when they align, the imagination soars. These days can be seen as portals allowing a glimpse of deeper patterns.

March 4 to April 15…Lover Venus begins her rare retro cycle, then slips out of sight

On March 4 Venus shifts into retrograde movement, appearing to go backwards relative to Earth. By March 18 she will be invisible, swallowed by the Sun’s light. When she reappears in early April, Venus crosses into a new form, now rising before the Sun as Morning Star for approximately nine months. The significance of Venus retro connects to her role as the ‘Erotic Feminine’, the principle of life and vitality, Eros as love of life. This means that since the power of the Feminine is its ability to contain and support all things, a specifically universal principle regardless of biology, then a retrograde phase is an important time of inner renewal. These weeks are a chance for all to reconnect with Eros as the gift of life, to cease striving and notice inherent beauty. When Venus exactly conjoins Sun on March 25, this vital function lights up, asserting its role as intrinsic to happiness.

March 6 to 13…Energy builds as Full Moon in Virgo approaches

On March 6, Mars, still strong in its natural sign, links harmoniously with Saturn and fiery determination takes practical form. Tasks with integrity, structural abilities, and clear goals, are all facilitated by this waxing Moon week. March 8 to 13 has Water/Earth harmonies that ease the way to a productive Full Moon on March 13, a time of completion. Yet both March 12 and 13 bring sensitivities to the fore, which could defeat good communication, without using great tact in personal situations.

 March 18 to 19…Fire and Water are at odds, bringing a touch of chaos

Now this dynamic weekend encourages happy gatherings, but has a hidden chaos factor that could lead to conflict. Only a gentle approach will have good results and any interference, implied criticism, or impatience, could turn a good time into a bad time very quickly. Try standing in the other person’s shoes, rather than prodding or poking.

 March 20…Sun enters Aries and it is Autumn Equinox in our Southern lands, Spring Equinox for the North…

Stay tuned for your Equinox Update.

                       CHRISTINE'S TRAVELS

Consultations in Auckland in person or distance readings.

Back in my second home and based on the North Shore, I am looking forward to seeing some familiar and new faces. Time for a transit update in this very big and multi-faceted year?  A Special Offer for two friends who book a reading together and this month I am also offering a discount on relationship readings, in person or by Skype/phone. As usual, for all my services I offer phone or Skype sessions, to easily accommodate those who are based out of town, or in another country.   All sessions are recorded. Want to know more? Contact me...


Auckland PH: +6421 410126     E:



 PLUS A Special Event  coming up in AUckland April 16