Astrological healing alternatives

Find out more about your sign and current influences in your life by checking your current planetary transits with interpretations for each sign.

October November 2016 Diary Dates

New Moon in Libra on October 1, relationships of all kind benefit, and creative ideas should be taken seriously. The time to move ahead with your plans is October 2 to 5, when Sun-Saturn links help ideas to take a practical shape.

October 6 to 8…More mutable madness

On October 6 to 8 a final stage of the disruptive ‘mutable mayhem’ between Saturn and Neptune occurs. Those of us with the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces in high profile are most strongly influenced. If pulled between two conflicting options, emotionally driven decisions are likely to bring further complications. Consider the ‘refuse to choose’ option…for now, since timing is against you. October 11 and 12 offers clarity, a view of higher ground, a time when balance can be reclaimed.

October 15 to 20…Challenges abound as Full Moon in Aries pushes for change

A Full Moon in Aries on October 16 aligns with the planet of change and comes at a difficult time, when Libra-Capricorn squares already dominate. To let peace rule is the only way to stay centred between October 15 and 20, in the turbulent struggle between relationship ideals and the worldly agendas of authority and ambition. These can be tumultuous days if we have something to prove and decide to fight for it. Being ‘right’ is bound to be wrong! With restless Full Moon excitement, tempers and tolerance could easily be lost. Breathe deeply, move slowly, and keep-it-light, are all survival tools.

October 23 to 29…Sun enters Scorpio

Now emotional wisdom is illuminated as Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, and Water intensity rules the day. Despite the possible challenges and disappointments of October 26, October 25 to 28 facilitates a gradual deepening of awareness. Sun and Mercury align on October 28, encouraging us to perceive the path of least resistance as the path with heart. This helps considerably if navigating the challenges of October 29, when a take-no-prisoners Mars obstructs the urge for change.  Patience is golden now, as Black of the Moon approaches.

October 30 to November 13…A Scorpio New Moon and much more

A New Moon in Scorpio on October 31 is surrounded by feel-good planetary aspects: harmonious connections with the spiritual impulses of Neptune, empowering links with Pluto and healing quest insights courtesy of Chiron. At New Moon the light of the Sun obscures any sighting of Moon, but by November 2 to 3, the first slim crescent will be seen, low in the West after sunset. Near the Moon you will see Venus, radiant as Evening Star, also setting in the West, and a tiny point of light nearby is planet Saturn. This is a crescent Moon perfect for emotional commitments, for exciting plans to take shape. November 5 to 7 carries a romantic creative vibe, and Sunday November 13 introduces the nurturing energy of a Taurus Moon, which grounds the healing motif, extending the simple pleasures of this time.

November 14 and Nov 15 (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, & NZ)…A sweet Full Moon in Taurus  

Unlike last month’s Full Moon, this lunation is surrounded by sweet and energising aspects, suggesting a highly creative and effective November. These are mostly Water sign harmonies, which foster the inner imaginative processes and support practical results. There are just enough Fire and Air harmonies sprinkled in, to add confident communication and inspired spontaneity to the mix.

November 16 to 27…Special days and special challenges

Look no further than November 16, 20 to 24 and 27 for excellent days to schedule special gatherings, and events. The most appropriate for large gatherings are November 16, 24, and 27, while the most romantic and personal times are November 20 to 22 . When Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, an extra fiery playful and unpredictable element becomes apparent. A sudden challenge may occur on November 25 to 26, when planet Jupiter squares off to both Pluto and Venus. Protect relationships from negative energies now! Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, this suggests a bumpy beginning to Sagi Time, soon to be followed by a supremely dynamic December. 


Want to learn how this all applies to your own personal astrology pattern?

Email Christine now and book a reading or oder a report. Details of costs above.

CHRISTINE:   OR TEXT: +6421 410126 (NZ)