Astrological healing alternatives

Find out more about your sign and current influences in your life by checking your current planetary transits with interpretations for each sign.


December 3 to 23…Mercury ‘Retro’ Go Slow Communication Cycle

On December 3, Mercury begins a retrograde loop, when it appears to move backwards through Sagittarius, for the next 20 days. This is a useful time to review old work, to debrief with colleagues, to revise where necessary. If possible, do not sign contracts and agreements when Mercury is retro, as there can be hidden complications, which emerge later. An unresolved issue or problem that occupies attention in early December can be investigated thoroughly, and data gathered for a later decision. Following are critical days for Mercury’s cycle: On Dec 7, a good contact or initiative dating from Nov 18, can be further explored in useful ways. On Dec 10, creative ventures that were explored in late Nov, can be refined and assessed. On Dec 13, Mercury joins Sun and the greatest clarity occurs - patterns and meaning can be clearly seen. On Dec16, a Venus link adds sweet harmony to negotiations and discussion of necessary changes.

December 5 to 10… Jupiter serenades Neptune

Dec 5 and 6 are given emotional gravity by Moon’s passage through Cancer, challenging any Sagittarian escapist tendencies, and bringing our attention, back home. Two ‘gaseous giant’ planets, further influence the elemental balance in this fiery solar month of Sagittarius. They also add more elemental Water to the mix: On December 6, a Cancer Moon supports Jupiter and Neptune’s new Scorpio/Pisces alliance, that lasts through to late August 2018.  This defines aspects of the year ahead, softening December, deepening longings, bringing forth a Sea Change theme. Moon in earthy Virgo on Dec 9 to 10, plus support from Communicator Mercury, allow details to unfold: this helps identify what matters most, reviewing plans, getting real about the best way to move forward.

December 11 to 17…Black Moon Nourishes

Uncertainty and changes of plan, may be part of Dec 11 to 12, but clarity and exciting insights come on Dec 13, when Mercury aligns with Sun, illuminating the patterns of our life. This only happens three times a year, so take notice. A Moon in Libra supports these previous days with balance and tact, while Dec 14 to 15, adds potent Scorpio insights to the Moon mix. Secrets come to the surface in the Black Moon time of Dec 16 to 17, and bodies are more sensitive. So…eat lightly, and jump to no conclusions: with Moon’s shift into Sagittarius now, it is mental nourishment that matters.

December 18 to 22…A New Moon Feeds Solstice Sensibilities

Astrology is about pattern recognition, and these days bounce with meaningful patterns. December 18’s New Moon in Sagittarius, aligns with both Venus and Saturn: important alliances, serious commitments, will feature this month. Moon in Capricorn on Dec 19 to 21, is the first slim crescent, with happy Earth/Water links, that assist festive preparations. By synchronicity, planet Saturn, enters its own sign of Capricorn on Dec 20, after 29 years absence. Saturn will be there, for 2 ½ years, not for 2 ½ days like the Moon! Adding yet extra layers of meaning, the Capricorn Solstice, our longest day of the year in southern lands, follows on Dec 22. Finding the sacred in Solstice, is easy with such a lineup.

Fire sign Venus is in Sagittarius now until December 25

This is an adventurous, gregarious, restless for entertainment Venus. Emotions run deep from December 5 to 6, and the fiery principle of ‘try everything’ is exciting, supporting all kinds of sociable occasions from December 7 to 10. This continues December 16 to 21, picking up extra impetus from New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18, as discussed above. Loving what you do is the key, authentic enthusiasm will take the lead. Courageous vision is the Venus way now.

Earth sign Venus in Capricorn December 25 to January 18

Venus enters Capricorn on Christmas Day and the energy of the Goat, has never been stronger. This is not really because of this ambitious, seriously sensual Venus, so much as the very recent return of Saturn to Capricorn, the astrological ‘ruler’ of the sign.   When, on December 26, Venus then conjoins Saturn in Capricorn - potent new structures, and agendas are set. This adds a combination of love and creative vision, to the brand new two + years of Saturn’s cycle. A practical, get-down-to business flavour, is the taste of Venus now. Do be careful not to confuse Saturnian control with love! The holiday season yields its best, when an organic, hands-on approach, is combined with a respect for ritual and tradition. There will be many personal sensitivities on show, or maybe thinly concealed ones. So…the festive season can stay that way if a gentle, non-invasive approach is allowed to lead. Some illuminating insights then pave the way into a New Year, from December 28 to January 1.


Coming up on JANUARY 21, 2018...Interested???