Astrological healing alternatives

Find out more about your sign and current influences in your life by checking your current planetary transits with interpretations for each sign.

*Planet dance for June 26 to July 29, 2018

June 22 to 27 Planet Polarities…One step at a time

While we build up to a testing Full Moon that ultimately offers the gift of wisdom, numerous planet polarities occur: Lover Venus, Warrior Mars are at odds, so this can be balancd by noticing what we do have, and the love we do receive. Also Sun and planet Uranus links can now help us quickly change perspective and dip out of verbal battles, refusing to play victim. June 26 and 27 feature a happy Moon in Sagittarius, which is the key that unlocks us from taking ourselves too seriously! If the ability to shine seems blocked by Saturnian controls, remember that laughter is healing and particularly right now.

June 27 to August 27 Mars Retrograde…The Red planet on display

Planet Mars is becoming brighter in the sky, closer to Earth. In Aquarius, it shifts into ‘retrograde motion’ on June 27, an earth-based illusion when planets are close and appear to move backwards. The potential for extra volatile emotions, accident-prone incidents, impatience, and impulsiveness is higher now since Mars squares off to chaos agent Uranus a number of times. Mars is no bad guy, but it is a source of great vitality, the Energiser. Now energy can be easily wasted - when in Aquarius, humanitarian causes are strengthened but can also stir conflict. If the less desirable situations arise, stop and breathe deeply before engaging, stay aware.  A wonderful view of the red planet can be had when on July 27 it is exactly opposite Sun and closest to Earth, almost three times its usual brightness. See Mars in the late night or early morning sky, identifiable by its yellow glow.                          

 June 28 to July 3 Full Moon in Charge, in Capricorn…Serious sensitive times

At Capricorn Full Moon on June 28, ruler Saturn is next to Moon and opposite Sun - a serious lunar climax indeed. Full Moon’s fruition is emotionally sensitive, to be navigated carefully. The Saturn/Capricorn experience includes taking responsibility, organising one’s actions to reach goals, identifying obstacles in advance and sometimes getting stuck in guilt or anxiety. Saturn is known as the ‘Lord of Karma’, so the results of past actions are likely to be seen now and are useful information. Put any guilt aside, vote for restorative action on June 28 to July 1, then healing awareness can follow. By July 2 to 3 fiery enthusiasm activates energy and July 3’s Moon in Pisces helps extend compassion to all.

 July 4 to 11 Jupiter Steps Up…Enthusiasm and vision lead the way

These are ‘Can do’ days when enterprise and enthusiasm can push us through obstacles, revealing answers to problems, opening a wider vision of the possible. On July 4 to 5 expansive Jupiter adds optimistic charge to the Pisces Moon, and the Cancer Sun. On July 5 to 7 Aries Moon fires up energy and initiative, hooking up with Mercury, then Venus to extend creative ideas. A practical Moon in Taurus supports the earthy strengths of Saturn and Pluto, to get many tasks done on July 8 to 9. Planet Jupiter moves direct on July 11, and recent hard efforts reconfigure as the steps to success.

July 12 to 15 New Moon in Cancer…Mother Nature at large

The Mother archetype is enlivened when Moon and Sun align at Cancer New Moon on July 13, exactly opposite planet Pluto.  Depth, intensity and longing are constellated at this partial solar eclipse - the forerunner of a total solar eclipse in 2019. Potent energy focuses on our roots, family, clan, which must be renewed on some level. The mysteries of the heart and the mysteries of Nature, demand recognition. This occurs in unexpected ways, since Lover Venus holds an earthy harmony with change agent Uranus, also embracing Saturn, as an ‘Earth Grand Trine’ from July 12 to 15. This means something of unusual substance and longevity can be seeded at New Moon. Now imagination meets action.

July 16 to 21 Waxing Moon…The Heart’s highlights

Seeds planted at New Moon begin to take shape. At first Crescent Moon on July 16, Venus and Moon align in Virgo - plans become more practical. This beautiful sight stirs the heart when the Western sky is clear enough to see the Feminine Lights lined up. On July 17 Moon continues through Virgo, adding earthy energy to any transformative agenda we may be developing.  On July 19, Moon in Libra connects with Mercury to create a perfect day for creative collaboration.  The Scorpio Moon of July 20 to 21 will be seen conjoined Jupiter in the night sky, making Saturday ideal for close and convivial gatherings.

July 23 Sun enters Leo…The Lion roars as Moon waxes

The Leo solar period goes from July 23 to August 22 and is especially energised at Full Moon on July 28, discussed below. Now the themes of enjoying life, creativity, and the warmth of recognition, run hot. However, with Moon’s Node in Leo, many important life events have made themselves felt in the last eighteen months, and the two eclipses coming are the climax of that rare cycle. Planet Mars is also opposite the Node, suggesting that striving to shine may involve processing some conflict or anger, during this particular Leo period.

July 22 to 29 Venus Dances, Moon waxes Full…Goddess Time  

Virgo represents the Goddess of the Harvest, and Venus is there, making highly significant links with the slow-moving planets: She makes fertile Earth/Water links with Jupiter and Neptune, from July 22 to 25. A time to make dreams practical, apply strengths, for a truly inspiring harvest. Full Moon in Aquarius on July 28 coincides with a healing, revealing time when Venus partners Pluto, giving passionate focus to our goals, our affections. Look beyond the obvious! Since Moon is a total lunar eclipse, concealed truths emerge. Sun in Leo aligns with Moon’s Node on July 29, extending these karmic times. The results of past actions - or inactions, become clear in this soul-searching week. +Mars is its brightest now!  

Want to know more about your own Venus? A Sydney Workshop is coming up!  Readings available in Sydney too, from mid July to early August. Send me your eml address if you would like the Venus flyer. Some details below...        E:

*July 29 Venus Workshop in Manly Vale, Sydney

 This workshop offers the definitive Venus experience – your personal Venus profile, auspicious Venus dates for the year ahead, and a Venus process that allows you to dip into the mysteries.                                                                                                       

 Venus Students will receive a 10% Discount for a follow-on 30 minute, or 60 minute, Reading:   I will be available from July 31 to August 4 for students to take up this offer. 


Stay tuned for your next update: Mercury Retro Business Cycle through to September Equinox 2018

With love from Christine

Ph +(61) 0402 664101