Astrological healing alternatives

Christines' Planetary Currents


Jun 22nd to Aug 22nd, 2011

** Interested in a personal consultation with Christine?
I am now back in Sydney for a while and it s the perfect time to update your transits for the year.
Business and relationship cycles my special interest
** Sydney Seminar September 4: Venus and Beyond...Good Timing and Meaningful Change. Enquiries welcome.
** From July 20 to 24 I will be in Melbourne for personal readings.
** Coming up - July 16-17...An Astrology Workshop near Leongatha, Victoria. See details of workshops at the end of the star signs.


New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse, when Moon covers part of the disc of the Sun. This is the most potent time of the year to plant intentions that support family and nurturing loved ones, an excellent time to eclipse old grievances. If issues related to material security have been leaving you with raw nerves, now is the time for a new start.

Full Moon in Capricorn follows a sweet Moon/Jupiter link that expands confidence. Creative energies run high on these days and inspired concepts can be made ultra practical. Hard work comes easy while teamwork and group activities produce good results.

New Moon in Leo is the time to plant seeds of intention that support an authentic creative life. With Venus, Sun and Moon all lined up together, the big heart of Leo is its most sensitive. Feelings can be easily hurt now yet caring and loving behaviour is exactly what feels the most authentic.

Celebrate the power of friendship and the blessings of community as a Full Moon illuminates Aquarius and love planet Venus conjoins Sun in fiery passionate Leo. High hopes for relationships are matched by emotional intensity.


You are Cancer, the sensitive Crab...feeling your way comes naturally and it is also how you protect yourself. So keep those emotional antenna tuned in, especially from June 26 to July 8, when various challenges to your peace of mind occur. Other people may have plans for you that you don't agree with and it will be important to hold your ground. Since your Cancer New Moon on July 1 is also an eclipse, this is a fateful and change oriented year, a time to be inwardly calm so that the best decisions can be made. With Lover Venus in Cancer from July 4 to 29, there will be ample opportunities for pleasurable times in July. It is August that changes the pace when Mars enters Cancer, adding a sense of rush and the occasional emotional meltdown. If you want to avoid the latter, then mark August 10 to11 on your calendar as days to be ultra mellow and not react. Sweet surprises from August 15 to 19 remind you what really matters. With the planet of surprises likely to offer interesting new roles soon, August is the month to prepare. Increase the ratio of relaxation to worry, of peaceful activities to haste and you will be ready to fly in September.



Cancer Time is when Leo is meant to reflect, to reconnect with loved ones. Since July 1 is also a solar eclipse in Cancer, this is one mother of a symbol for looking within...From July 4 to 29 Venus adds her considerable charm to make contemplative activities and healing routines much more attractive. Leo Time starts July 23 and your New Moon on July 31 begins a very different story...Moon, Sun and Venus all embrace in Leo. Now you are back in the fiery mode you love and your confidence is a magnet to others, while change occurs easily. Leo New Moon is the perfect time to acknowledge a heartfelt intention and breathe life into it. Despite the great potential in August for the right steps that will take you closer to that goal, there are some delays ahead. A retro communication cycle from August 3 to 27 means it is time to do your homework and to be prepared to identify flaws in your thinking or problems with your plans. If you find out things that make you modify your intentions or improve your strategies, all the better! August 9 to 11 may be testing and August 14's Full Moon a bit crazy yet August 15 to 19 will show you the right way forward.



Now your whole sense of life purpose is being inspected, ready for an overhaul. It is important to acknowledge your successes and feel good about the things that have succeeded but it is no time to be complacent and assume you can ignore details. There are many benefits for you between July 1 and 19, despite some of the challenges that could come your way around July 6 and 24. New Moon on July 1 evokes your strong sense of community but could then test it on July 3 or 8, when people behave badly. Many emotional demands will be upon you but you have the energy and the desire to cope. Your relationships come more strongly into the spotlight at July 15's Full Moon, making you aware how much you are missing someone special. In August a more subtle energy applies and you benefit from some down time and need to grab any moments of solitude you can. Since your guru planet, Mercury is in a retro cycle from August 3 to 27. It is no time to start new projects and preferably not to sign contracts either, since confusing results are likely. It will be early September before you are really back in your groove - analyse and research now in order to maximise that dynamic time to come..



So many wake up calls and so much to be done...take it one step at a time because Saturn will be in your sign for a while to come and some very helpful Saturn links are on the way in August. Meanwhile - that oh so big theme of partnership is up and jumping from June 26 to July 8. The odd contradictions in your life and the obvious tensions can all be your teacher right now. Watch, listen and learn, this is valuable insights time. In general, July pushes issues to the front of your attention, most likely on July 3, 8, 13, with a big finale at Full Moon on July 15. Pay attention, to get the peaceful and productive solution. Issues could be about an intimate link and beware the tendency to judge lovers harshly in July! This could also be played out in your work place. Since late March a big decision has been pending and it may move rapidly now. When Venus energises your social life from July 29 to August 22 the best relationship timing arrives. Now your sense of purpose gets stronger with the growing Moon from August 1 to 14. Stay neutral in any conflicts on August 10 to11 then the last half of August promises great progress.



Mystical murmurings and magical inspiration has been hard to tune into lately what with the driving demanding busy-ness of having big Jupiter opposite your sign. Into extreme emotions by nature, Scorpio will bravely enter emotional territory that others might fear. Yet you also are the most private of signs and Jupiter is pushing you to be more generous with information and less secretive with partners. You don't necessarily try to keep secrets; you just have a strong sense of need to know priority and may withhold information for that reason alone, which can accidentally close people out. Why am I mentioning this trait? I mention it because mystical Neptune will be in your love sign until August 5...opening the door of the heart. Pity not to walk through! Many golden opportunities, July 1, 5, 9-10,12, 14, 19-20 offer you the chance to ride these Water sign waves, to connect with others in deeply pleasurable ways, to be more productive by enjoying your work for its own sake. In early July planet Pluto adds extra energy, July 4 to 28 Venus adds extra excitement and on August 3 Mars begins to up the ante on adventure for two whole months. Others around you may be challenged and you may have your own challenges to deal with around August 10 to 11 and August 22's Full Moon, yet you are building strength now and can embrace new responsibilities.



July could feel like a wet blanket on your enthusiasm if you go for big optimistic plans. Even June 26 to 30 might start to wind you up via difficult people who just don't understand the brilliance of your ideas/suggestions. Add to that the fact that Mars stirs up various kinds of opposition from June 27 to August 2 and July becomes a month when it's best to settle for influencing others by good example but backing off from big debates. Then you great manna in August will be so much better! The days to be most Un-Saggi restrained are June 26, 29, July 13 and 24. Once that fiery New Moon in Leo on July 31 picks up your pace, the new cycle begins. Now Fire rules again and you are in your element, even if your ruling planet Jupiter is prompting a very task oriented time. Jupiter comes with demands and responsibilities that will simply create inner stress if you try to avoid them. Your health habits and way of working may need a tune up as well. Rest is not usually the top of the Saggi List but exercise of the fun variety gets a good rating. The combo of these two is actually the best idea to manage a busy August without hitting burnout. Remember this on August 10-11 and 25.



Now Sun moves through your partner sign and home and security concerns take a large place in your thoughts. Happily giant planet Jupiter is on your side and forming helpful links with the Sun and Moon on June 25-26. This will help to reduce the stress of June 26 but it won't make people more predictable. Expect changes of plan, rescheduling is a given and you partner or work colleagues could be all over the shop! Relationships in general are nourishing right now but not without checks and balances. Numerous planets challenge the status quo in late June and early July so flexibility is your friend. Keep smiling even when giving someone a stern lecture seems a better idea and you won't regret it. Since Lover Venus blesses your quest for love and success from July 10 to 28 and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 15 promises an illuminating time, is it really so hard to put up with annoying behaviour before that? Your public profile and reputation is going to benefit from your ability to handle challenges with good humour and tact. Try to make this a credo all day on July 13. August has a different energy. Confusion in communicating your ideas may occur between August 3 and 27, which will be fine if you don't spit the dummy on August 10-11 and do double check documents for errors. If you try to overly control things trouble follows, so learn to go with the flow and change plans readily. Do not begin investment plan in August but it is an excellent time for research.



Once you get your health and fitness regime back on track, things will feel a whole lot easier to manage. Study or travel or helping a friend have demanded a lot of your time and energy but possibly left you physically depleted. Now numerous planets are prompting you to give your health a welcome boost or pay the price, particularly around late June and New Moon/solar eclipse on July 1. Since serious Saturn is harmoniously linked to Aquarius right now, you can learn a lot in unusual or foreign settings and demonstrate your own ingenuous solutions to things. This is being further boosted by Mars and Venus both in your friendship and love sector which could ease the stressful aspects of June 26 to July 1 by making you the person with the solution. Just don't be the person with the sudden and loud negative judgements, who stirs up more trouble! This also applies to July 13 to 15. By July 30 the love combo of Moon and Venus embrace in your partner sign then July 31 is New Moon, which announces a brand new relationship cycle for the sign of the Water Bearer. These are the days to breathe new life into any relationships that have been under pressure. Then follows your yearly action climax, Full Moon in Aquarius on August 14. Yet it will be September before you are ready to put plans into motion, while partners and work associates may keep changing their mind, between August 3 and 27. This is a retro communication cycle, best treated with patience, humour and your usual generous involvement in daily affairs.



Even a mystery to yourself sometimes, your capacity to create confusion on the one hand and inspiration on the other, is being boosted now by Neptune in Pisces. Since your other ruling planet Jupiter is in a sign that supports your material and emotional wellbeing by grounding you in work routines, you will emerge from the chaotic moments unscathed. Sometimes Pisces does not even notice the chaos anyway as they drift through or ride the surge of a grand vision. Your drive to succeed is strong now and practical details are easier to embrace with Jupiter in earthy Taurus for a year. Once Lover Venus transits your love sign from July 4 to 28, there will be many chances to enjoy loving connections and the sweet things of life. Creative ideas come thick and fast and July 8 to 12 and 19 to 29 offers opportunities to be noticed in positive ways. Do be aware that July 31 is a New Moon to get organised, to streamline your operations and improve your health habits. It is not the New Moon for big spending and early August could confront you with needed repairs or replacements that have an unscheduled cost of time and money. To avoid being unprepared for these obstacles attend to small details like maintenance and don't ignore small problems in case they become big ones. Neptune will leave Pisces for a few months on August 5, making clarity a little easier to achieve, even in the retro communication cycle that lasts until August 27. Mid September puts all the pieces together.



Well...Aries is under pressure from Pluto and Saturn, yet rearing to make a big new start thanks to change agent Uranus now transiting Aries for seven years. This means there is actually no rush and late June/July is a period that shows you it is wise to be very prepared for anything you do and even then to let intuition alert you to problems that could follow on from other people's plans for you. June 26 to 28, July 3 to 9 and 13 to 15's Full Moon demand caution and tact! You are expanding your connections in July but could easily lose support if you are hot-headed or even mildly critical. Egos are sensitive and people reactive at such times. Since there is potential for positive growth in your area of influence and your public profile can gain greater credibility, be a mild tempered friendly lamb not a fierce Ram. Your home and family are one of the best ways to top up balancing energy and emotional reserves this month. Fire rises again with the entry of Venus into Leo followed by a Leo New Moon from July 29 to 31 and your creative ideas get a recharge. This makes August a perfect month to go back to a much loved project and breathe new life into it. It is not however the best time to start something new, best wait for August 29. Let July 31's New Moon become a slow burning inner fire to warm you through August. You will be reminded again of the joy of friendship, the power of love and the sheer creative high that comes from completing important goals you set yourself. Let caution guide you again on August 10 to11, then August 16 to 19 will illuminate your best path forward.



Bulls are not designed for speed but they are designed for love and pleasure. Late June and July actually move things along very quickly with change energy taking the lead and your ability to communicate getting an extra helping hand. Where speed does work for you is in short wild bursts and by preserving your peaceful connection to life, you will have that as a hidden reserve when needed. Since the planet of Fortune, expansive Jupiter is in transit through Taurus until June 2012, the solid practical things like enjoying a good life, owning things which give you pleasure and security, can be very rewarding. Your physicality and sensuality is also given a boost and single Bulls could start a significant relationship this year, with July and September stand out months. Do enjoy the lusciousness of daily life but allow your ambitions to extend as well. Happily a rare link between the planet of power and Jupiter's expansive vibe occurs July 7 to 12. This is just one stage of a significant growth of ambition cycle. Now is the time to expand your horizons, to travel, to study, to love with your whole heart and to embrace any new challenges. To get the best of Jupiter this proactive attitude is essential and 12 years is a long wait for another such opportunity. August throws more challenges into the mix, maybe via old family issues and old emotional patterns on August 2, 5 and 9. Your personal life or your health could get in the way of ambitions. Guard against extremes that could deplete you, especially August 14 to 17 and 22. Adopt cruise mode until late August then the serious work will begin.



Ruled by ever curious Mercury, Gemini too is driven to experience a variety of people and ideas. Meanwhile, Jupiter is expanding your interest in things mysterious and urging you to adopt a more back to nature approach to living. From June 26 to the partial solar eclipse of July 1, this is a good way to protect your health. Be particularly aware of this on June 29 when you could be tempted to fall back into an old damaging pattern, perhaps prompted by meeting someone from your past. July emphasises money and building up your reserves, reducing debt where possible. This may sound a bit boring but it will take the strain off that sensitive Gemini nervous system and allow you to better enjoy the exciting offerings of 2011. This is a year when meeting new people and trying out new ideas will come and go in sudden surges. July 5 and 9 are both contenders but in general this month is about concentrated effort, with friendship and neighbours your main form of recharge. It is when Venus sweetens your daily life from July 29 to August 22 that a more outgoing sociable phase begins. Reconnecting with old friends brings rich feelings forward and tunes up your love life by making you more relaxed. This fiery solar cycle makes life more fun with August 3-5, 8-9 and 16-17 high points. The latter can be very illuminating. Yet it is good to remember that your mercurial ruler goes retro from August 3 to 27 and looking behind the scenes is a good idea. Don't launch new business ideas in this time. Instead let intimacy and good communication benefit from this introspective energy.


Christine Broadbent loves her work, offering personal consultations for life direction, business timing and relationship guidance. Currently back in Sydney, now is a good time for a personal consultation. If you live elsewhere Christine does phone consults all over the world, recording the session and senmding by audio file or CD.
Christine teaches astrology in both Australia and Auckland, NZ. She will be offering an Astrology Training in Leongatha, Victoria from July 16 to 17 and a Venus Workshop in Sydney on September 4. SEE BELOW:

LANTERNS OF WISDOM...An Astrology Workshop in Leongatha, Vic.
JULY 16 & 17

Shedding new light on...
Life purpose
Relating & Loving
This two day workshop will explore the Mystery Tradition which is Astrology. Lanterns of Wisdom will shed new light on the four interlinked faces of the birth chart: Family, Self, Vocation and Relationships. You will learn about astrological tools for looking beneath life s surface. Exploring webs of connection that span centuries and cultures by drawing upon both ancient practices and modern methods, we will examine the horoscope for psychological understanding. Concepts like authentic vitality and planetary strengths will be explored. Most of all, we will celebrate the fact that learning is fun.
Two-day workshop 0.00, a deposit of .00 is required upon booking
Date: 16 and 17 July 2011
Venue: Mornings Light Organic Day Spa and Retreat, Meeniyan VIC.
Includes: Morning and afternoon tea
Accommodation available

Bookings along with your birth data are essential.
Contact Susan on 03 56647400 or

Special offer for participants only private 35 mt. reading with Christine on Monday July 18, session burnt to CD.
Cost .00 per person.

VENUS & BEYOND...Good Timing

To Contact Christine:

  • email:
  • phone:
    • AU: 0402 664 101
    • Intl: +61402 664 101