Astrological healing alternatives

Christines' Planetary Currents


Nov 23rd to Jan 20th, 2012


November 25...Sagittarius New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse

November 25 begins the second eclipse period for 2011, which gives a fated feel to the events of this time, as if they are part of a longer unfolding. Confusion or uncertainty may figure since a restless energy prevails due to a Mars square . Wait for clarity before acting. November 28 to 30 clears the cobwebs but keeping plans small is a good idea.

December 11... Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

Quite a lunar climax is this one! Enjoy the convivial energy and fiery enthusiasm. The many changes of mind this month are shown to have a common thread at Full Moon. Willpower follows imagination, so breathe life into your dreams.

Viewing: To view this in Australia or New Zealand it s a late night or early rise: the Moon is exactly eclipsed around 3:30am in NZ and around 1:30am in most of Australia. However in Queensland it occurs at 30 mts after midnight and sneaks in before midnight on Dec 10 in WA and SA. In all cases the show begins much earlier, since the Moon disappears in slow bites over a couple of hours, reappearing the same way. Occurring at 2:33pm GMT it is not visible due to daylight hours in much of the northern hemisphere.

December 25... New Moon in Capricorn

With an earthy Jupiter to support the embrace of Sun and Moon, it is an excellent portent for the new lunar cycle. Now is the time to reaffirm the love affair with Mother Earth, to give thanks for the good things of life.

January 9, 2012...Full Moon in Cancer

This is the Full Moon of all Full Moons because it occurs in the Moon's own sign. Be prepared to melt, to flow and allow yourself to deeply feel. Clarity about important projects is easily gained now and practicality links hands with vision.

Christine looks forward to your queries regarding consultations, chart reports and if you act


SAGITTARIUS It's Welcome to fated times with your Sagittarius New Moon on November 25 a solar eclipse and Full Moon on December 11 a total lunar eclipse. Archers have big dreams anyway and now feels like the time to really pursue them. Yet Mercury's antics suggest you review your plans right now and patiently wait for mid December to get on with it. Eclipse times tend to recycle things that started 9, 18 or even 27 years ago. Those Sagis with birthdays near November 25 or December 11 are in the limelight. This simply means you are seeing the long term trajectory of your life more clearly and gathering rewards from long term efforts, while realizing the harder costs as well. With so much going on, some caution is needed to avoid burnout. Communicator Mercury is retro in Sagittarius from November 24 to December 14 - some projects you thought nearly finished may bog down instead. Don't worry, be happy is a good Sagittarius refrain; try to be guided by that if December 2, 3, 5 or 13 are challenging. Meanwhile the energizing planets, Mars and Jupiter are both in earthy signs which means keep it real, choose down to earth activities and honor nature by getting out in it as much as possible. This will all support you and your plans but for in December keep your mind on the present, rather than the exciting future possibilities. Enjoying the adventure matters but it doesn't hurt to harmonise yourself with planetary timing. From January 1 a sense of ease carries you along and people want to join in. Lover Venus makes your words more loving and any creative projects flourish in the first week of January. Your key planet is Jupiter and that opens doors for you from January 9 to 15. Don't forget to say "Thank You".



Your Capricorn desire to manage your environment, to protect security has taken on added depth since 2008 with Pluto in Capricorn. Not everything has gone according to plan, but you have been building a stronger life since July 2011, via some good interconnections between Jupiter and Pluto that stretch through into March 2012. From November 23 the red planet, Mars helps out as well with a practical problem-solving focus. This energises your ability to think big but also to stay in full control of the details and extends until May next year, so you have plenty of time to put a bold plan into action. Keep this in mind from November 24 to December 14 if communication or travel plans or good ideas go slightly pear shaped. Use these weeks to reconnect with people and dreams important to you. If this retro cycle affects you in subtle confidence-denting ways, don't lose faith just extend your timing! Refuse to over-react emotionally on November 27 or December 2. Basically your business acumen is boosted by Mars but odd happenings and out of character uncertainty could be intensified by the eclipse cycle from November 25 to December 11. Relax with this process and if contracts must be signed and deals brokered before December 14, choose November 28, December 4, 6 or 7 as your best times. With the Capricorn New Moon falling on December 25 and Jupiter's abundance cycle directing the action from December 26, you have reason to be confident. Yet December 23 and 29 may test your patience via family. If you go with the flow now, then in January you flourish. With Full Moon on January 9 providing an illuminating insight, it is best to keep an open mind. In any case January 8 to 23 is a triumph of earthy proportions and agreements dating from mid January could deliver their first results by January 21.



The Aquarian brain usually bends to an informed opinion on most things. Between now and February 4, planet Neptune is completing its last circuit through Aquarius in your lifetime. This tends to mean your range of interests is impossibly large, maybe confusing even you! Your attachment to ideas can be passionate but emotionally you can be ultra cool, reluctant to surrender that inner freedom. Tending to show you care by a strong desire to help others, late November is no exception. Yet your good intentions could be misunderstood, or you end up regretting offers you make when changes and complications arrive. Weird misunderstandings affect friends, people who share your interests from November 27 to December 5. Put up with the craziness and stay poised for sudden insights around December 4. Making important changes comes much easier after December 10 and December 11's Full Moon highlights a fabulous social calendar, with offers and invitations that excite you. Be warned there will be some events that are more of an obligation than a pleasure. If these occur on December 3, 13, 19, 21 or 23, make an extra effort to be kind with your words. This ensures a peaceful happy December. If recovery is needed from the festivities, December 29 is your best day to go to ground, to hide from the social buzz and renew your inner strength. Being an Air sign, brain fag can be a problem because you don't always know when enough is enough. Whatever interests you, can sometimes capture you then spit you out exhausted. Yet Lover Venus is in Aquarius from December 21 to January 14 so you have many opportunities for lovely distractions and sweet times. This beautifully soothes your spirit, preparing you for the gung ho cycle to come on January 21.



Canny and sensitive one moment, then lost in your dreams the next oblivious to what is happening around you, is all part of being a Pisces. You are the sign with one foot in another world. Now three planets make earthy links that nourish your relationships and focus your attention on daily affairs, partners and friends. This is the pulse of life that best protects you. Late November is purpose built for turning many things around, for surprising even you, with an important person pushing an agenda not necessarily right for you. Choose your commitments with care when you get a taste of new career potential or a new responsibility at November 25's New Moon. This is a solar eclipse and two weeks later a lunar eclipse at December 11's Full Moon. You are reminded of family and home dreams that might pull you in another direction. With the most unusual cycle of your lifetime coming in early February when Neptune enters Pisces, the first two weeks of December require awareness. Make sure you only make promises you are happy to keep, because February could seriously undermine anything not heart-felt. It is tricky if you try to keep everyone happy and December 3, 5 and 13 could make it impossible! Best to accept this as Piscean back flips will not go down well. It is the new solar cycle from December 22 to January 21 that really allows you to shine. An earthy pulse begins to build clarity from December 23 to 25 and by January 9's Full Moon you know what course of action is best. January 13 brings helpful people. Partners and friends are likely to extend themselves for you between now and January 21.



With Uranus in Aries for less than a year of its seven year stay, you are still acclimatizing to the new astral weather. New Moon in your adventure sign on November 25 is a part of a five planet lineup and you are ready to rock and roll. Yet Mars your leading planet is in careful Virgo and you will probably do the right thing instead! That is not so bad because November 27 and December 2 to 3 are crazy hair trigger kind of days, when restraint could save your bacon (or lentils so to speak). December 11's Full Moon in Gemini helps you along. This total lunar eclipse opens the communication gates and ideas flow from a deep unconscious place. Check it out at midnight on December 10 and the sight of the Moon disappearing in bites might keep you watching until the shadow of the earth blocks the Moonlight. (See location timing in Moon Dates above) December 19, 23 and 29 are also good times to exercise a Mars in Virgo practical edge. This translates as get on with what you can do and tolerate others being anally retentive/misguided/downright mean or just boring. This happens to be the filter you are likely to look through on those days. Likewise January 1 when proving you are right is a lost cause and January 9 when Full Moon fever could tempt you to get into a Big Debate. If you hear yourself mention the words you don't respect me beware! January 20 is a bit of an ego twister too but the overall energy of January is set to work very well for you, your goals and your work. With Mars shifting into retro mode for over two months on January 24, best to make the most of January as the month to organize the first quarter of 2012.



With six more months to come of Jupiter in Taurus, expansion continues to be the theme. If it is your waistline expanding, consider how you can continue to enjoy the life of the senses but be a little more selective for your health's sake. The eclipse season from November 25 to December 11, could reveal the fault lines in your daily habits. Planning for the future, investing wisely are all on your mind and these plans are good to develop now but no initiative should be taken until Mercury's direct cycle begins on December 14. Lover Venus, your guiding star inspires practical depth between November 26 and December 20 - you may find that good times and the inspiration to combine work and travel come together. With an earthy New Moon on December 25, then Jupiter beginning its direct motion on December 26, the best is yet to come. January 8 to 14 helps you make long term plans and build on the commitments that have been taking shape. Taking off on a trip is tempting but in many ways it would be a distraction right now as your guiding planet Venus begins a social networking and connecting cycle on January 15, linking forces with Jupiter. This augurs well for success in what you do and you may get the best of both worlds meeting new people and developing new ideas while still fully enjoying your home life. January through to mid March is a wonderful guardian-angel kind of period when enthusiasm, optimism and your gentle touch will look after you very well indeed.



Clever, versatile and mentally tuned in is a fine side of Gemini, but your high strung nerves are under pressure right now. This makes the expectations of others hard to deal with and makes you reactive, particularly around December 3 and 13. Allow yourself to let go a little as you approach the lunar climax of your year, the Gemini Full Moon of December 11. Take a lot of deep breaths if family members and people at work seem to be asking too much of you. Prioritizing and getting enough sleep both help you reach your goals. Your Full Moon is also a total lunar eclipse, which completes a fateful cycle that started last June and this is part of the excitement of this time as well as the pressure. (See times above for viewing lunar eclipse in your area) Another way of looking at it is that every 9 years the lunar node cycle returns to your sign and there is a chance to complete a cycle, realign your life with your inner purpose. This cycle of eclipses in Gemini does not end until November 2012 so you have another year to get it right! The combination of determination and caution helps your plans succeed. Since Messenger Mercury, your guiding planet, is retro between November 24 and December 14, be prepared to redesign and reschedule where necessary. Complications easily occur and other people will likely change your plans in unpredictable ways. Go with the flow and deep understanding can be gained on December 4 when Mercury meets Sun. Gather your ideas then but wait for January to put them into practice. January 1 and 9 test your negotiation skills and the first half of the month is the perfect time to get your financial affairs in order. January 13 to 21 sees you shine in that mobile entertaining way that only a Gemini can.



Following a fateful New Moon, on November 26 Lover Venus enters your partner sign, helping you move into a more mature stage of an existing partnership or tempting you to open yourself to something new. Misunderstandings can be cleared away. Further assisted by the fortuitous cycle of Jupiter you are building new allegiances and contacts, testing new waters, developing practical plans for the year ahead. While December continues this relationship focus, December 2, 6 and 7 can be especially healing. Spontaneous affection is the key yet you often retreat from spontaneity by scuttling into your crab cave or retreating into your psychological shell. Learn more about this tendency at December 11's Full Moon and lunar eclipse, which will illuminate your deepest unconscious wishes. Perhaps take the time to observe the slow process of the Moon disappearing in bites. Clarify what you are ready to eclipse now, what habits you must move beyond, in order to heal. (See location times for lunar eclipse above in Moon Moves). Your relationship focus becomes more pointed once Sun enters your partner sign on December 22 and you are ready to open up again after December 25's New Moon. If tested by other people's pushy or manipulative behavior on December 23 or 29, use this as a learning opportunity. You have powerful intuition and the next Full Moon highlights this, On January 9 a Full Moon in Cancer brings your instinctual awareness to a high point. This is the lunar climax of the year for the The Moon's Own so it is time to make personal magic, to name and claim your heartfelt goals and watch them move towards you between January 9 and 23.



Everyone who knows you also knows that you can roar but lately it's been more a gentle purr, with Lover Venus, sociable Mercury and now the Sun in your love zone. This is good news indeed but as is often the case there are some complications. That New Moon which illuminates your love of life on November 25 is also an eclipse and sociable Mercury comes with occasional obstacles when it goes into retro motion from November 24 to December 14. Yes this does mean your love life, creative projects you are involved with and anything to do with children is likely to be subject to strange delays, changes of plans and an interesting range of odd happenings. Just keep purring and it will all change again before you know it! As long as you focus on practical ideas and don't get too fussed if you have to repeat the paperwork, these three weeks will be full of laughter and fun. This fiery solar cycle is well designed for you so plan to enjoy Full Moon on December 11 with a friend or two and watch the shadow of the earth eclipse the moonlight - A time to eclipse ego attachments and dig deep for intuitive understanding. December 14 to 28 has so much fuel for your ideas that something is bound to pop. Best of all, from December 21 to January 14 Venus provides extra inspiration as it transits your opposite sign. People reach out to you, while help and appreciation flow readily. Share a good idea on January 7 to 8 and you may find that it becomes a better idea or a door opens to promote it. January 14 has magical moments that are still unfolding their significance by January 22.



Mars in Virgo is the big news since it will be in your sign until July 2012. This symbolises strong action, a long awaited rush of motivating energy, extra physical oomph and ability to reach your goals. Since both Jupiter and Pluto are in the other two earth signs, they support your plans like good team-mates. Yet your ruling planet is Mercury and it goes into retrograde motion from November 24 to December 14. This means rush nothing and assume nothing. Plans you think are solid could suddenly get feet of clay and wash away. If this happens, be assured that redesign is your solution and action can wait for a while. Home and family is the big focus. There are potential pitfalls on December 3 and 5. At December 11's emotive Full Moon and eclipse, your family story unfolds. This might wake up sleeping issues and December 13 pushes you to stand up for your principles. The total lunar eclipse reminds you that a development phase in your family life has closed and a new one is opening. Looking back at family patterns helps you distinguish your separate identity and December 26 brings renewed energy. You get the most practical results from these new energy levels between January 8 and 15. You should be ready to fully commit to a new business or personal partnership after January 21. Existing committed relationships go into a powerful maturing phase now. Make the most of this time to get your life in order and to give shape to your plans for the next few months. Now is a good time to do this because Mars starts a rare retrograde cycle in Virgo from January 24 to April 14. This coming cycle could lessen your motivation and introduce frustration if you try to do too much so prepare in January like a good Virgo would!



Your home life has the Venus touch from November 26, sweetening day to day life. Yet late November and early December have an unpredictable energy, when anyone who is already a little unreliable could become dramatically more so. Understand this is temporary if on November 27 or December 2 an erratic or over-confident person tests your patience to the limit. December is actually a month with opportunity and pleasure likely to come your way and just the odd moments that test your equilibrium. Consider December 19 and 23 as other odd moments! Through all these peaks and troughs, genuine transformation is underway and one or two people close to you need your support and a deeply bonding experience could occur around December 11's Full Moon, also an eclipse. Be particularly gentle with any vulnerable family members on December 2, 25 and 29, when the Pluto effect intensifies emotions. January too is a month to support the process of change in small acts of kindness and tolerance. Again family is the theme, this time via the Sun's cycle, which reaches its emotional climax at Full Moon on January 9. An Aquarian friend could be particularly helpful mid month. Now your career and ideas you have about improving it, comes to the fore. Take the time to clarify some strategies between January 9 and 20 and be prepared to defend your ideas well on January 20. This helps you focus your energy and be lighter of heart to enjoy the journey again.



High voltage individual that you are, your world has moved fast in November, tempting you to extend yourself financially, to spend up big perhaps. With Mercury moving backwards through your money sign from November 24 to December 14, this is not such a good idea. Your choices could be unwise due to hidden factors and any expenditure in these weeks needs to be well researched. On the other hand analyzing past financial decisions and detecting patterns can be most effective during this time. Since that period includes November 25's New Moon and solar eclipse and December 11's Full Moon and lunar eclipse, these are times that feel strangely fated. Realisations come very fast and must be processed slowly. Remember, it is all about partnership for another six months, while Jupiter transits your partner sign. Not just partners but a few significant people in your life are likely to ask a lot of you but they are also likely to give you a lot. January is a time of abundance that should be appreciated for its emotional rather than material rewards. Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto add extra earthy pleasures to your life. Wisdom is available too and short periods of solitude help you see the interconnecting threads of life. The capable Scorpio benefits greatly from time off the grid, disconnected from the buzz. It is then that your heart opens and your mind clears, renewing your energy. Explore the high potential of January 8 to 9's Full Moon, of January 14 and 21. Work smart rather than hard in January and the next few months will unfold nicely. .


Christine returns to Sydney December 6 and is offering personal sessions in December before Christmas and again from January 12 to 28, 2012.

Christine loves her work, offering personal consultations for life direction, business timing and relationship insights. She teaches astrology in both Sydney and Auckland and will be teaching a Sydney workshop in late January. Private mentoring is also available. For more info email:
Feel free to phone with enquiries.

To Contact Christine:

  • email:
  • phone:
    • AU: 0402 664 101
    • Intl: +61402 664 101