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Created : Mar 22 2017 07:16:10

Equinox Mysteries...Venus on Fire

 Equinox March 20, 2017 

*It is Autumn Equinox for us in Southern lands and Spring Equinox for the North. Storylines of Autumn Equinox, personify the mysteries: Earth as Life’s Crucible*


Autumn is personified by the harvest goddess, the corn mother, the ripe grain mothers, like Greek Demeter, and Roman Ceres. There is the double mystery of life and death in this season – the ripe will be consumed, the new grain or seed corn will be planted in a dark place, and it will give birth to new life.  The story of Demeter’s daughter Persephone, abducted to the Underworld, and emerging in the Spring; the Cherokee’s Green Corn Girl, and the Malay’s Rice Baby, remind us of this cycle. The Great Mother, called by many names: Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Inanna, Demeter, is she who sustains life, celebrated in Autumn.

The healing power in the depths of the sacred earth, and the story lines of abduction and descent, are said to have come from those ancient star gazers who watched the celestial movements of Venus. Venus regularly descends into the Underworld, as she did in March, vanishing as the Evening Star in the West. She emerges again as April begins, this time in her brightest form, as the young Morning Star, rising before the Sun in the East, still making backward loops, returning to the old ground of Pisces by April 3. When she finally shifts into direct motion on April 15, to light up the pre-dawn sky for months to come...

March 20…Sun enters Aries, there until April 19/20

Whether it’s Autumn Equinox, or Spring Equinox for you, the Equinox planet patterns set a theme, with variations that unfold over the next three months.

Equinox means such a perfect balance in the Earth’s journey around the Sun, that day and night are of equal length all over the planet. This prime moment of planetary consciousness, is when we all experience the same turning point in Earth’s journey. Tuning in to that balance is also helpful, given what the planets are up to! First off, Uranus and Jupiter are opposing each other in the heavens, across Aries/Libra, polarising people and opinions around April 11’s Full Moon. Secondly, tiny heavy-weight Pluto, is in conflict aspect to both of them, so power and control issues feature high.

This strange theme varies, over the months to come. See DIARY DATES in Articles. The entire three month season, resonates with a restless urge to get up and DO something. Yet Lover Venus is in ‘retro’ motion, until mid-April, so the path of action requires careful reflection. The middle point is by far the best place to be. Much like standing in the centre of a see-saw, best to constantly make small shifts to stay balanced. Home and hearth is a source of energy now, as Venus beckons us to take courage and look within.

A happy coincidence is that the Equinox chart has Moon joining Saturn in Sagittarius, to add purpose and enthusiasm to the blend. In fact planet Saturn helps out all year, supporting both Uranian change, and the social justice agenda of Jupiter. It is planet Mars that rules the Equinox: With Mars in earthy Taurus, there is something for everyone this month – sensual enjoyment, inspiring ideas tempered by realism and a great amount of energy to apply to goals. Enjoy!

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